Personal information is collected, stored, used, and disclosed by CQUniversity Australia to facilitate enrolments, studies and related activities.
CQUniversity has the obligation under the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld) to collect this information, and in order to meet CQUniversity's obligations for international students, under the Education Services for OverseasStudents Act 2000, the National Code 2018 and the Vocational Education, Training and Employment Act 2000 in order to ensure compliance with visa conditions and obligations under Australian immigration laws generally.
Personal information collected about students during enrolment, studies and related activities may be used for: research activities; be provided in certain circumstances to Commonwealth and State Government Agencies and designated authorities; and, if relevant, the Director of the Tuition Protection Service.
CQUniversity utilises personal information for research and learning analytics purposes by way of identifiable and de-identified data for the planning and improvement of core services and to enhance student learning, educational practice, and support services.
Information collected throughout enrolment, studies and related activities can be disclosed without student consent when required by law. Any other provision of personal information will be authorised and in accordance withCQUniversity’s Privacy Policy and Procedure.